Académico EIC participa en Congreso Internacional sobre Ingeniería Sísmica
El profesor Juan Carlos Vielma presentó una investigación sobre estructuras sísmicas con daños irregulares.
Entre el 18 y el 21 de junio, el profesor y Secretario Académico de la EIC, Juan Carlos Vielma, asistió al 16to Congreso Europeo de Ingeniería Sísmica (16 European Conference on Earthquake Engineering).
El profesor participó en calidad de exponente, con su investigación denominada: “Influence of the use of Coupling Beams on the seismic response of plan irregular RC framed buildings”, el cual en resumidas cuentas, versa sobre las estructuras sísmicas con daños irregulares.
El resumen de su trabajo puede leerse a continuación:
Irregular structures can lead to undesirable behavior under strong ground motions. For this reason, the seismic codes prescribe a series of recommendations that seek to limit the irregularity. For the specific case of plan irregularity, recommendations aim to limit the eccentricity, so limiting torsional moments, which have been identified as the origin of the catastrophic failure of structures in recent earthquakes. This work evaluates the seismic response of low-rise RC framed building, applying nonlinear dynamic analysis using records of destructive earthquakes. The buildings analyzed have different plan configurations, presenting irregularities produced by reentrants.
In order to mitigate the effect of torsion, coupling beams have been added in the areas of the re-entrants, achieving a reduction of both the torsional moments and the relative rotations of the plants, then becoming in a suitably solution in order to overcome associated problems with this type of irregularity.
El evento que se desarrolló en la ciudad de Tesalónica, Grecia, fue organizado por la Sociedad Europea de Ingeniería Sísmica (The European Association for Earthquake Engineering) y ayudado por la Universidad de Aristóteles (The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTh), además de un Grupo de Sismología de Grecia (The Hellenic Association for Earthquake Engineering).